How to Evaluate a Sample Essay On Different Web Sources

How to Evaluate a Sample Essay On Different Web Sources

Different web sources contain different types of content. The science and technology-related websites only have data related to recent scientific discoveries and things relevant to this particular area. In the same way, an academic website offers academic content, e.g., sample essay, assignment and letter. Students who can’t work on their essays take help from such sources. But they must be aware that the internet is full of scammers and fraud people. Thus, before taking the service of any online website, they must carefully evaluate the sample writings.

Evaluation of sample essay means checking whether the essay has all the necessary components or not. Does the essay satisfy all the requirements of being a good essay? These are the questions that students must ask themselves. Based on these questions, they should evaluate the content of different web sources.

Process of Evaluation

You are not alone in this evaluation. This guide will also help you to find free essay examples and samples. Below are the main points you must look for in a sample essay.


Focus is the key element of an essay. Every essay starts with a discrete central idea and discusses the idea throughout the writing. Often diverting from focus idea leads you to somewhere else. Many writers who once lose their focus in an essay find themselves on an entirely new thing afterwards. In a sample essay, each paragraph must be a reflection of the main idea. It means that every paragraph should be supporting the topic sentence and thesis statement. Thus, you can say that focus is the backbone of an essay. An essay is not an essay if it is not focused on a single central idea.


An essay is like a flowing river that develops as it flows further and further. In the same way, there must be a development of ideas as you keep reading the essay. Development means using specific and enough details to support the main argument. The sources which are not credible will indeed lack this thing in their sample essay. You must be able to evaluate each paragraph and line carefully. The homogeneity of the ideas and composition of the information must be developmental.

Each paragraph and line must support or expand the central idea. The ideas depend pretty much on the essay type, but the meaning is the same, i.e., supporting the central idea. There must be examples, illustrations and descriptions of the central hypothesis. Thus, looking for developments while evaluating a web source is necessary to evaluate a particular source.


Unity or homogeneity of the ideas is also essential in a sample essay. Most web sources do not take this point into consideration. Due to their promotional agenda, they just divert from the central idea and explain things other than the main topic. Such websites do not offer genuine offers; they are just money makers. You must not take the services of those web sources. Every paragraph and line in an essay should be related to the essay’s central theme. It is an essential point because it happens in many cases that web sources just don’t take care of this. Therefore, in evaluating an essay, you must take the point of unity in mind.


Coherence is the fourth evaluation criteria that must apply to a sample essay. It means that the structure of the essay is logical and relates to the essay’s central idea. Many web sources use their own logic to write essays. It may be suitable for them but as students, not for you. The teachers demand a standard and logical essay which follows a standard structure. Moreover, coherence also means that the ideas are so well presented that the reader does not go anywhere without finishing them. Everything in writing should make sense to the reader. A sample essay must be logical and flow smoothly. Therefore, checking for the coherence of ideas on web sources help a lot in evaluating them.


The most important point in evaluating a sample essay is checking for correctness. Correctness means looking for general language errors and mistakes. It can be spelling, grammar, tense structure mistakes. If you are able to look for such blunders in a web source, you can also evaluate it perfectly.

The language of the sample essay must be correct and standard. Not a single credible website has language errors in its sample work. Therefore, while evaluating if you counter such websites, do not consider them at all. They are the scammers or fraud people who would not deliver you quality work per your requirements.


Regardless of whether it is a sample essay or not, an essay follows a specific structure of the details. At the start, an introduction comes, which is followed by a body and then a conclusion at the end. This is the standard structure of an essay. Every web source follows this style, and if any source does not follow it, that particular website is not credible. A brief description of the essential components of an essay is as follows;


The introduction contains all the necessary information to familiarise the reader with the topic. Basically, it is an attention grabber that does not let the reader anywhere else. Thus, it’s a great point to consider when evaluating sample essays on different web sources.


The body explains all the main ideas of the essay with the help of examples and descriptions. It includes all the pieces of evidence and arguments in support of the topic. There must also be a logical order of the support ideas.


The conclusion part of a sample essay summarises the whole information. It wraps up all the arguments and support ideas. There should not be any additional information in the conclusion part.

All in all, you can carefully evaluate a sample essay on different web sources by following the points mentioned above. This information allows you to evaluate different types of essays critically.